Challenge #17 – Order A Burger


Welcome to the Feel This Crew’s Burger Challenge #17! This challenge is all about learning to hold your frame and stand your ground when frames collide. We’re going to order something that’s not on the menu at an anonymous McDonald’s in New York City, and we’ll have to hang in there and try all kinds of different things, while still being nice and respectful.

We’ll also have to stand our ground when people behind us might hear what we’re trying to order. It can be intimidating, but remember that nothing bad will happen if you stand up for yourself. We can learn that people don’t really care if something weird is happening. Plus, we can test our skills by trying to find a Burger King that has wappers.

It was a fun experience, but I felt the pressure from the people around me, including the woman at the cash register. It was awkward, but overall it was a fun experience. I learned to keep things fun and positive, even when the person taking my order starts getting slightly pissed.

So, if you’re up for the challenge, go ahead and order something that’s not on the menu. Report back into the Feel This Crew Facebook group after completing the challenge. Good luck!

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