Challenge #01 – Take a Cold Shower and Conquer Resistance


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Everyone has access to a shower, so there’s no excuse not to do the challenge. Put the temperature in the coldest setting and do everything you normally do in the shower. Wear boxer shorts if you don’t want to take it too far.

Feel the resistance and welcome it.

Done? Time to move on.

Challenge #02 – Overcoming Fear through Eye Contact Challenge 

my experience

I stepped into cold water, and my brain was screaming with fear. I had no logical reason to do it, but I knew that fear is good and when I push through it, I experience freedom.

I started with my head and noticed my brain going faster. I felt dizzy in a good way, and my breath started to stabilize. I tapped into the pain and felt alive.

I do not regret stepping into the cold water – it was one of the best things I’ve done in a long time.

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